Legal notice


In accordance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and related regulations, it is hereby stated that GRUPO SEGESA CADENA REDDER, S.A. (hereinafter Segesa), has its registered office at AV. Diagonal nº 612 3º 5ª, 08021 Barcelona, ​​Spain, with CIF No. A/58406539 and is registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, ​​volume 8,785, book 8,022, section 2ª, folio 34 and page number 101753. The email address where you can contact us is You can also contact us by phone at 932.094.400.



Our objective is to publicize and inform about our products and services. The owner of the website reserves the right to make any changes and modifications deemed necessary or convenient to the website. In no case will prior notice be given, so subsequent access will imply acceptance of the modifications by the user.


Navigation on the website is the free choice of the navigator. We understand that access or mere use of the website implies acceptance of the legal warnings and its conditions of use.

2.3. LINKS

In the event that this website includes any type of link, it is noted that they are not under the control or responsibility of Segesa but of the third party owner to which said link redirects. Please note that the inclusion of a link referring to an external website does not imply the existence of a license, authorization, collaboration or any other type of relationship between Segesa and said third party. The inclusion of the web address as a link on third-party pages is authorized provided that they meet the following requirements:

a) The website where the link is included must respect trademark and copyright rights and especially the ownership of this website. Consequently, it may not create the appearance of being the website's own once the URL of the link has been accessed. In other words, the use of "frames" or any other system that allows this false appearance to be generated is not permitted.

b) The use of our website cannot and should not infer the existence of a link, relationship or sponsorship between Segesa and any third party that uses our domain as a link or in any other way.

c) The contents of the website must be respected and the website and its contents cannot be directly or indirectly associated with incorrect, inaccurate or missing information.

d) The inclusion of our website as a link on those platforms or websites that do not respect the law, morality or public order will not be accepted under any circumstances.


The source code, graphic designs, images, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and content contained in are the property of Segesa. The total or partial reproduction of this website, its computer processing, distribution, dissemination or modification is not permitted without the prior written permission of its owner. The photographs used on the website have the author's authorizations for reproduction, distribution and public communication. The user may only use the material that appears on this portal for personal and private use, and its use for commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activities is prohibited. All rights derived from intellectual property are expressly reserved by Segesa, which will ensure compliance with the above conditions as well as the proper use of the content presented on its portal, exercising all civil and criminal actions that correspond to it in the event of infringement or non-compliance with these rights by the user. The materials on this website are protected by intellectual and industrial property laws and any unauthorized use of them may violate copyright, trademark and other regulations. The authorization granted to use this website will be automatically terminated in the event of violating any of these Conditions, and you will be obliged to immediately destroy any material obtained or printed from the website. Segesa does not grant any license or authorization of use of any kind on its intellectual and industrial property rights, trade secrets or any other property or right related to the website and its contents.


This legal notice and the terms and conditions of the website will be governed by Spanish law.

Legal notice
Important information - legal notice